People want many different things from therapy – to be happier; to not lose it so often; to feel more comfortable in their own skin. Often there is nothing definite, just a general feeling of things not being right for a long time. During therapy, people can sometimes uncover situations from the past that areContinue reading “Resolution or recovery?”
Category Archives: Therapy
All about therapy – counselling and craniosacral therapy
How many counselling sessions will I need?
Life has more downs than ups at the moment and you’re ready to get some help. But you’re worried about how long it will take to feel better. How many counselling sessions will you need? How much will it cost? And how can you make the most of each therapy session? Take a read asContinue reading “How many counselling sessions will I need?”
Turning 30 and it’s all gone to shit
‘The worst time of my life’ Mick Cooper is a Chartered Psychologist and Professor of Counselling Psychology at the University of Roehampton. He recently wrote about a crisis point when he was 30: ‘That weekend was probably the worst of my life. I hardly slept the Friday night, just terrible feelings of anxiety and worry.Continue reading “Turning 30 and it’s all gone to shit”
What my clients say to me
These are some of things clients have said to me over the yearsduring counselling – not their exact words as they are confidential – but the meaning of what they were saying: Thank you for letting me talk to you when I had no one to talk to. (10 years old) I’ve got peace ofContinue reading “What my clients say to me”
Welcome to my blog
Well it has taken me a long time to get round to writing this blog. I have so many ideas for posts that I think you will find interesting so I will try get as many of them out as I can. Please explore and let me know if there is anything you want meContinue reading “Welcome to my blog”